Enough SIP / Skype Foolishness: By StephenSmith
" SIP is Dead was a provocative headline after VON Canada, sparking a minor packet storm of blog commentary. The bits have been flowing ...
* It all started with Niklas Zennstrom's report on exponential Skype growth at VON Canada, prompting Jeff Pulver to say Shift Happens and call Skype the iPod of Communications
* Martin Geddes writes that 'SIP is history as far as the future of voice is concerned' (shameless out-of-context quote) in an essay title The Telecom Earthquake
* Richard Stastny and Aswath Rao traded self-referential blog postings -- Requiem for SIP, no it's not a requiem, and clarification
* The backlash begins and Martin then writes a balancing viewpoint here about things that Skype doesn't address well
* Jeff then steps in and writes that SIP really isn't Dead, but that Skype is making huge impact and once current projects to bake it into silicon and 3G handsets are realized that there may be no turning back. He also posted a thoughtful piece by Timothy Jasionowski who says Skype benefits by having sole accountability to make protocols work wheras SIP is slowed by IETF and competing implementations.
I had a long chat with........"